Apr 20 - May 20
If 2023 was a year of self-discovery and self-reflection for you, Taurus, your yearly horoscope for 2024 answers some of those lingering questions. While there is still a lot of healing and spiritual work to be done this year, thanks to Chiron and the North Node in Aries hanging out in your 12th house of completion and closure all year, your Taurus yearly horoscope for 2024 predicts the changes you’ve been making behind the scenes will slowly start to come into fruition. This is because Jupiter, the planet of luck and prosperity, and Uranus, the planet of unpredictability, joined forces in your sign on April 20, manifesting your desires physically. Celebrate the small wins!
If financial fluctuations have been a cause for concern, you’ll have an opportunity to prioritize your income and expenses more diligently once Jupiter kicks off a new transit in Gemini and your second house of personal possessions on May 25. This is an excellent time to meet with an advisor, explore new ways of making money, or begin investing in your financial future. However, avoid making major decisions or signing contracts related to your home or creative projects once Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo on Aug. 5 and Leo on Aug. 14, as miscommunications can lead to costly mistakes.
Personal goals may keep you tied up this year, but that doesn’t mean you have to neglect your private life. If your social life and intimate relationships fall behind toward the end of the year, use the Mars retrograde in Leo transit that begins on Dec. 6 to reprioritize your emotional life. While it may help your bank account to run in multiple directions constantly, pay close attention to how your habits may be wreaking havoc on your health and home life. Scale back if you need it to. Don’t try to do everything at once this year.
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