Sapphire, the symbol of truth, is the September birthstone. This blue, celestial gemstone is the chemical cousin of ruby, having the same chemical composition – corundum.
Star sapphires and rubies display a six-ray star that moves across the face of the gems when light hits the stones. The star is created by intersecting lines of the mineral rutile that form symmetrically in the gem.
Sapphire, one of the most coveted gemstones of all times; surrounded by lore and legend is the birthstone for those born in the month of September. This beautiful blue- hued stone has been used in various types of adornment since ancient times and symbolizes wisdom, power and faith. This gemstone is also associated with the star sign of Virgo.
Virgo’s life secret is to love and joy and be loved in return. They are caring and confident, often creative, generous and highly willing to offer support to those around them. Many Virgos work in the service industry for other ranging from welfare, school teachers, and doctors. They often become victims of relationship power games where they are mistreated.
The intense energy of the sapphire sharpens the Virgo mind for details with an eye for beauty. Sapphire is quite impervious to damage – and you will be too.
This September birthstone has been believed to protect the wearer from envy and harm and attracts blessings from heaven. Sapphire, with its stunning blue shades, is a symbol heaven and considered to indicate the purity of the soul. This gem signifies truth, faithfulness and sincerity, and was worn by priests during the Middle Ages as a talisman against impure thoughts and temptation. Sapphire is thought to boost intuition and clairvoyance and promote good health. Incorporated in royal ornaments, it symbolized a pure and wise reign. This gem gives a sense of inner peace and develops a positive attitude in the wearer.
In olden times, it was common for warriors to gift their wives a necklace made of Sapphire to ensure their fidelity. It was believed that the color of this gem would darken if worn by an unfaithful or unworthy person. Sapphire is the hardest substance after diamond and often used in industries as an abrasive. The ‘Lone Star’ is the largest blue Sapphire in the world, originating in a mine in North Carolina weighing a whopping 9719.5 carats. In Greece, the Sapphire was associated with Apollo, the God of Clairvoyance and Prophecy and often worn by those who sought His blessing and help when visiting Delphi.
The September birthstone was known since ancient times and called by similar names in different languages. While the Arabic word is Safir, the Latin variant ‘Sapphirus’ means blue. In Ancient Greece, it was called ‘Sappheiros’, after the island of Sappherine when this gem was sourced from by Greeks. The English ‘Sapphire’ has been derived from these ancient languages. In Sanskrit, this stone was known as ‘Shanipriya’ meaning ‘dear to Saturn’.
Sapphire is composed of corundrum, a type of Alumium Oxide. Depending on trace elements like iron, chromium, copper, titanium and magnesium, one or more which may get incorporated into this gem during the early stages of its formation, the Sapphire gets a variety of hues. Chromium imparts a pink or red tint to corundrum, the former known as pink Sapphire and the latter known as Ruby. This September birthstone is the hardest substance after diamond and is resistant to scratches and abrasions, its brilliant blue hue and toughness making it an ideal choice for a range of jewelry!
While red corundrum is Ruby, any other color of corundrum falls in the category of Sapphire. The celestial deep blue is the most coveted and popular color of Sapphire and even this occurs in a range of shades right from light blue to violetish blue. Other colors of Sapphire that occur naturally are yellow, purple, pink and green. The orange- pink shade is one of the rarest and named ‘Padparadscha’, after the delicate pink hue of the Lotus flower.
Sri Lanka and Madagascar are the leading sources of Sapphire, both in quality and quantity. Formerly, Australia was the top producer of this gemstone. Sapphire is also found in Myanmar, Thailand, India, China, Kenya and Tajikistan. In the United States, sapphires are mined in the regions of North Caroline and Montana.
The calming properties of Sapphire are used to bring down fever, treat nosebleeds, rheumatism, ulcers and reduce inflammations. It increases mental clarity and focus of the wearer, reducing the effects of any nervous disorder. This gem balances the circulatory and endocrine system. Sapphire is used as a protection from evil thoughts and negative energies.
Sapphires are slotted by gemologists in the category of precious stones like Diamond, Emerald and Ruby. This September Birthstone is evaluated depending on their origin and factors like color, clarity, size and cut. Blue Sapphire is graded in value depending on their primary blue hues. Secondary hues of violet and purple are favorable and of a much higher quality compared to sapphires with a green hue. Gray hues often found in Sapphire reduce the clarity and hence avoided. Sapphire is cut in various facets similar to diamond to bring out its brilliance and clarity.
A link to the heavens and a symbol of intelligence and power; the Sapphire is one of the most regal gemstones, an ideal birthstone for the September- born. The unparalleled beauty of Sapphire makes it very desirable in all sorts of jewelry designs and its beauty stands out irrespective of whether it is set alone or with other stones.
Crystal Structure: hexagonal
Chemical Composition: Corundum ( Aluminum oxide- Al203 )
Hardness: 9 MOHS
Refractive Index: 1.762 to 1.77
Colors: yellow, green, pink, clear, and blue
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